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On this page you will find our lyrics, chord diagrams, thoughts and personal stuff we want to share with you

Never let anyone dim your light

When you are extra it is like having a spotlight shined upon you, people get jealous and often try to stop you from shining brightly. You must resist them and shine even more brightly than before. People are afraid of different, so they respond in fear and this can lead to bullying or rejection. Don't worry about it because there are millions of extra people just like you. Find your tribe and make your own family if you have to.

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Lyrics & Chords

Army or Robots Chords
All American Girl Chords

Extra is better

When we say we want your world we are really saying the world inside you. Your world is beautiful and special and we want to be part of it. We want you to share in our world too and be part of this whatever this is going to become. When I was a kid I was wild and people could not handle my behaviour, I was hyper active, neuro divergent and had a learning difficulty. I was very intelligent but my disability caused me problems with reading and writing. Later I found music, a language I instantly understood and through music I found my tribe who like me were also wierdo's and kooks. Now I am a writer and have published a novel I also teach screenwriting, so I overcame my learning difficulty but I am still a weirdo and proud of it! So whatever your thing is that makes you different celebrate it because it makes you unique. All the kids who bullied me at school are all in dead end jobs and miserable with their lives.  

Candy Provokate front person of the band the Candy Republic.tif
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